I have now completed the Freedom to Speak Up review and sent my final report to Secretary of State for Health. I plan to publish it on Wednesday 11 February on our website Read more
The next phase: seminars, ideas and solutions
I write this on the eve of our first Freedom to Speak Up Review seminar, where I am bringing together individuals and organisations to discuss issues relating to raising concerns. I’m going into this seminar armed with lots of suggestions and thoughts shared with me in various meetings over the past couple of weeks. I’ve Read more
Update on the review
The call for contributions to the Freedom to Speak Up Review closed last week. I have received hundreds of detailed contributions from a wide range of staff working in the NHS and other organisations. I am grateful for how candid and helpful people have been in making their contributions: it must have been very difficult for Read more
Reflections on the Review so far
I have been very encouraged by the response we’ve had since launching the Review earlier this month. Many people have come forward with their views and ideas for what would help create an open and honest reporting culture. Some of the experiences which have been shared with me are distressing; others have suggested that there Read more
An introduction from Sir Robert Francis QC
I am honoured to be asked to undertake this review for the Secretary of State for Health. Those who speak up when things go wrong in the NHS should be welcomed for the information they bring and the contribution they can make to patient safety and the maintenance of public confidence in the service. Any NHS workers Continue Reading →